Quantitative Social Research

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Quantitative Social Research (Prof. Auspurg)

How "open" is social science? And what drives code sharing among researchers?

Social scientists are only partially willing to share analysis code files for replicating their analyses (more information on the project).

Part-Time Work is an Important Driver of the Gender Wage Gap


The wage gap is closing only slowly, especially
regarding hourly wages.
Research findings on gender inequalities: here.

How do researchers evaluate scientific articles ?

bornmann_et_al_fig_2In an article published in PLOS ONE, Lutz Bornmann, Christian Ganser, and Alexander Tekles investigate the factors on which the evaluation of scientific articles depends and whether anchoring effects play a role in this process (more information).

Welcome to the Chair of Quantitative Social Research!

Our topics include research methods (experiments, surveys, replications), social inequality (e.g. gender inequality, ethnic discrimination) as well as attitudes and the acceptance of policy interventions (e.g. in the environmental field). Following the scientific understanding of analytical-empirical sociology, we try to provide clear and precise analyses based on meaningful data.

News and lectures

We organize a research colloquium "Analytical Sociology" on Wednesdays every semester, to which you are welcome.


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