Quantitative Social Research

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Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg

Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg

Chair of Quantitative Empirical Research
Curriculum Vitae (PDF, 288 KByte)


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Soziologie
Konradstr. 6
80801 München

Room: 305
Phone: +49 (0) 89 2180-5938

Office hours:
During the corona pandemic only by arrangement, preferably via e-mail.

Research interests:

Quantitative methods (surveys, field and survey experiments)
Social inequality (labour market research, gender inequalities, discrimination)
Analytical sociology (social mechanisms, decision theory)
Sociology of science (e.g., publication bias)

Recent Publications:

  • Tekles, Alexander/Auspurg, Katrin/Bornmann, Lutz (2022): Same-gender citations do not indicate a substantial gender homophily bias. PLOS ONE 17 (9).
  • Schmitt, Laila/Auspurg, Katrin (2022): A Stall Only on the Surface? Working Hours and the Persistence of the Gender Wage Gap in Western Germany 1985-2014. Accepted for: European Sociological Review.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Brüderl, Josef (2022): How to Increase Reproducibility and Credibility of Sociological Research. Handbook of Sociological Science. Contributions to Rigorous Sociology.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Brüderl, Josef (2021): Has the Credibility of the Social Sciences Been Credibly Destroyed? Reanalyzing the “Many Analysts, One Data Set” Project. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. (doi:10.1177/23780231211024421).
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Thiel, Fabian/Schneck, Andreas (2020): Different Samples, Different Results? How Sampling Techniques Affect the Results of Field Experiments on Ethnic Discrimination. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 65, online first.
  • Sauer, Carsten/Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas (2020): Designing Multi-Factorial Survey Experiments: Effects of Presentation Style (Text or Table), Answering Scales, and Vignette Order. Methods, Data, Analyses 14(2): 195-214.
  • Auspurg Katrin/Hinz, Thomas/Walzenbach, Sandra (2019): Are Factorial Survey Experiments Prone to Survey Mode Effects?. In: Lavrakas, Paul, Traugott, Michael W./Kennedy, Courtney/Holbrook, Allyson L./de Leeuw, Edith D./West, Brady T. (Eds): Experimental Methods in Survey Research. Hoboken: Wileys, 371–392.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Brüderl, Josef/Wöhler, Thomas (2019): Does Immigration Reduce the Support for Welfare Spending? A Cautionary Tale on Spatial Panel Data Analysis. American Sociological Review 84(4), 754-763.
  • Auspurg Katrin/Schneck, Andreas/Hinz, Thomas (2018): Closed Doors Everywhere? A Meta-Analyses of Field Experiments on Ethnic Discrimination in Rental Housing Markets. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45(1), 95-114.
  • Auspurg, Katrin (2018): Konfundierte Ergebnisse durch ein zu stark beschränktes Design? Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 70(1), 87-92.
  • Diehl, Claudia/Hinz, Thomas/Auspurg, Katrin (2018): Who Is Afraid of Skilled Migrants From Europe? Exploring Support for Immigration Control in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Sociology 44(1): 59-88.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas/Sauer, Carsten (2017): Why Should Women Get Less? Evidence on the Gender Pay Gap from Multifactorial Survey Experiments. American Sociological Review 82, 179–210.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas/Schneck, Andreas (2017): Berufungsverfahren als Turniere: Berufungschancen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 46: 283-302.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Iacovou, Maria/Nicoletti, Cheti (2017): Housework share between partners: Experimental evidence on gender-specific preferences. Social Science Research 66: 118-139.
  • Auspurg, Katrin/Hinz, Thomas/Schmid, Laura (2017): Contexts and conditions of ethnic discrimination: Evidence from a field experiment in a German housing market. Journal of Housing Economics 35, 26-36.