Quantitative Social Research

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QUANT: Quantitative analysis of publication bias, impact factors and set of measures

Combined project in the framework of the funding line “Quantitative research on the science sector”, Focus C: “Reflexive Bibliometrics” financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


Research targets and working schedule:

Over the past few decades, bibliometric indicators such as journal impact factors and citation figures have gained increasing significance in the evaluation of research units and individual scholars. The proposed project wants to test the hypothesis that this increasing focus on bibliometric performance measurements creates a greater incentive for publication bias.

The overruling project aim is to assess the relationships between publication bias and the impact factor of journals, possible repercussions of bibliometric indicators on a distortion of scientific achievements and their measurement; furthermore, the project wants to develop practical tools for monitoring and prevention. Exports from psychology and economic journals supply the data basis, which is linked with data from the bibliometric data bank of the Bibliometrics competence center.

The developed sets of measures to avoid a publication bias are to be made available to actors in the science system.

Contact: Katrin Auspurg, auspurg@lmu.de